“So much more is accomplished when people are allowed to come together in meetings as whole persons” —Birgitt Williams
Whole Person Process Facilitation (WPPF) is the name given to a highly dynamic, participative meeting methodology designed to help people interact from their whole being, mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical. These meetings are designed to integrate the wisdom of the group as well the individual.
A WPPF meeting delivers both powerful short and long term results. Energy, ideas and discussion are transformed into constructive action, with participants embracing responsibility and leadership around the topic at hand, be that a product, concept, question, or strategy. In the longer term, by using the WPPF meeting methodology, team members become increasingly engaged, creative and open. Meeting this way engenders resilience among people and teams in dealing with the dynamics of change from both within and outside organizations.
In this 3-day training, you will learn how to use meetings as an effective way to utilize all the human capacity in an organization. You will discover not only how to prepare, run and follow up on meetings in a new way, but will also learn to build your own capacity to run a WPPF meeting. After the training, you will have access to a peer-to-peer mentoring circle for ongoing learning.
Participants of WPPF meetings have described them as “efficient, effective and highly productive”; “stimulating maximum participation”; “generating high levels of creativity”, enabling teams and leadership to emerge”; “facilitating communication and learning”; “improving staff morale”.
WPPF helps your meetings deliver more by embracing the wisdom, capacities, talents, and diversities of a group. Whether meeting in person or online, this methodology works effectively in meetings with one or one hundred people. WPPF is a module of the Genuine Contact™ Program, which develops a culture for extraordinary leadership as the path for organizational success.
This training will help anyone who works with people, including facilitators, managers, teachers, coaches, and (team) leaders. Anyone who creates and carries out participative processes, within their organization or community, will find this training highly beneficial.
This training is for people new to facilitation, as well as for those who would like to deepen and enhance their facilitation practice. It is also useful if you want to build your experience and practice in the Genuine Contact™ approach to leadership and organizational success.
Doris Gottlieb (The Netherlands), Thomas Herrmann (Sweden), and Anna Caroline Türk (Germany) are joining forces to offer this training. They are highly dedicated to this approach and invest much of their energy in the development of the Genuine Contact Program and have worked closely with Birgitt and Ward Williams, founders of the Genuine Contact Program, for almost two decades.
They have developed these trainings together in order to integrate their specific expertise, strengths and practical insights to provide you with a rich and varied learning experience. At each workshop they will work either individually, in a pair or as a team of three depending upon group size and availability.
Anna Caroline, Doris, and Thomas work extensively with Whole Person Process Facilitation both online and in person and are committed to bringing this method to people in both settings.
Feel free to contact us if you have questions about this training or would like to know more about Whole Person Process Faciitation and how it can help you and your organization.
This 3 day practical training will help you develop a highly effective way to run meetings and foster long term impacts for your organization. You will learn how to:
Use Whole Person Process Facilitation online & in person – a truly revolutionary change to ensure powerful meetings.
Build your capacity to lead effective meetings from the whole person approach.
Facilitate meetings, from two hours to several days with ample room for creative solutions to be identified.
Design your meetings including preparation, facilitating the meeting and follow up.
Harness people’s unique learning styles, so everyone can participate at their best.
Work with the information, knowledge and wisdom already existing within a group or organization.
When: 19, 20 and 21 March 2025 + a 1/2 Day online Follow-up meeting 5 months after the training
Where: The Netherlands | De Lunterse Boer, Lunteren The Netherlands
Prices: Please choose the price option relevant to your work situation. (All prices are exclusive 21% VAT)
Prices include 3-Day Training, including lunch each day and dinner on the 19th and 20th, Workshop Workbook, and a 1/2 day online follow-up meeting.
Normal Price €1495,00 (Corporate | Public)
Reduced Price €1295,00 (Self-employed/Small NGO)
If you still have difficulty paying, contact us!
Special Rates
Group Rates | Coming together with a colleague? If you plan to come with a colleague from your organization, you will receive a 10% discount. If more than two people from your organization would like to take join, please contact us for group rates at doris@dorisgottlieb.com.
Reduction for Members of the Genuine Contact Organization | Members of the Genuine Contact Organization (Friends, Partners, Ambassadors, and Stewards)receive a 10% discount on training price
Repeating a Workshop | If you have already taken this workshop with a certified Genuine Contact program trainer and would like to repeat, please contact us for special discounted rates at doris@dorisgottlieb.com
Language | The language of the workshop will be English, however Dutch, Swedish, and German and Spanish may also be used.
Overnight Stay | It is possible to stay at the venue during the training, and we highly recommend it. The costs for staying overnight at de Lunterseboer are €137,30 per night. This includes lodging on 20 and 21 March, and breakfast on 21 and 22 March. The price is including VAT and €2,80 Dutch Tourist Tax.
It is also possible to book an overnight stay on 20 March should you so wish.
MORE INFORMATION | Feel free to contact us if you have questions about this training or would like to know more about Whole Person Process Facilitation and how it can help you or your organization.