Health and Balance Scan
In these times of constant change it is important to develop ways to stay resilient, effective and creative while the environment in which we operate is in constant movement. Shifts can happen in an instant, developing the "muscles" that allow for you to be resilient and creative in constant change are are vital. The better your organization/team or community group is able to become sensitive to those changes and the more that everyone in the organization can be engaged in finding solutions the better. Your organization needs to be able to put its finger on the pulse of what is taking place and shift quickly to adapt to the ever changing landscape it exist in.
Take a moment to ask yourself
How is your organization (team) coping with constant change?
Are you able to make the necessary quick adjustments to stay on course?
Are people in the organization (team) connected to one another in a way that promotes a dynamic and positive work relationships?
Are people in your organization (team) connected to the purpose of their work so that they can take necessary action when the environment shifts?
How well do you, and those you work with understand the whole, interconnected system in which you work, so they are able to take wise action based on knowledge of the whole?
The Health and Balance Scan is a swift, powerful process by that allows you to the discover the aspects of your organization that are healthy and where it is not. Going through this process helps you get to the root of issues that hold you back while also providing insight in areas where you are strong. Since the scan is carried out collaboratively with members of the whole organization (team) you are able to create a nuanced picture of the whole organization from different perspectives. This allows you to identify the root causes for difficulties beyond identifying their symptoms. The process also aids in creating a healthy organizational climate where people can fully contribute with their work to the organization's purpose.
Through the Health and Balance Scan your organization can learn to take the actions it needs to become more resilient, connected, and able to take on the stresses and challenges presented by a constantly changing world.
Benefits to your organization
Insight into your organization, it's strengths, blind-spots, and areas that are out of balance
Building a solid foundation of organizational health and balance by involving people from different parts of the organization so that there is a collective understanding of what needs to be done
A clear and collectively understood picture of your next steps to support your organization staying in health
Through our unique approach you develop the capacity of all members of your organization to take leadership and develop awareness about how they can support the organization
Just imagine how, robust, and effective your company will become when you are able to connect to all of the collective wisdom held by all members of your your organization? Imagine how much you can gain when you no longer have to convince people of the need for change but instead all become fluent in navigating it?