What is the Genuine Contact™ Approach


Genuine Contact: a holistic approach to organizational excellence.


The Genuine Contact™ approach offers a blended, synergistic, holistic approach to change and to leadership. It is not about a big quick splash but rather about developing the skills, knowledge, and capacity to sustain the ongoing organizational change necessary to thrive in today’s constantly changing, complex times. This capacity to thrive in changing times is the most important outcome from using this approach.
Genuine Contact focuses on developing liberating structures and a participatory architecture to create space for people to be responsible, highly creative and innovative, solution focused, and productive.

The Genuine Contact program is a series of workshops developed to assist people in learning to work with and in this approach. It has been used around the world in all types of organizations.

Within the Genuine Contact approach we focus on two areas.  Developing and mentoring leaders who are committed to developing cultures of leadership within their organizations, so that everyone within the organization is able to and encouraged to take leadership for their part of the organization.  In addition to this, in leadership cultures deep connections between people are built based upon their commitment and alignment with the organization's purpose.

The approach also enables you to use simple tools and methods that can be repeated and integrated into the "dna" of the organization to help them to create a climate of health, balance and resilience within organizations.

The Genuine Contact Program has been designed to teach people this holistic approach.  Although you can benefit from any one of the trainings that are part of the program, there is great benefit to take the whole journey including becoming a certified trainer to give you the whole picture of this approach.  

The Genuine Contact™ program is a Co-Owned educational program, lead by certified Genuine Contact trainers who have decided to take on leadership for stewarding the program and supporting people who use this approach.  

As a Genuine Contact program Co-Owner, I am committed to giving people access to the powerful tools and methods offered by the program, and in that capacity to both offer ongoing training opportunities as well as mentoring to people using Genuine Contact in their lives and work.

Learn more about the Genuine Contact approach at: www.genuinecontact.net